Skitouren Traverse mit Hüttenübernachtung
To be announcedSkitouring weekend with overnight stay at a hut (location t.b.a.). Ideally, if conditions allow, Max and Florian are planning a Minitraverse.
Extended Skitouring Weekend
To be announcedHannes will organize a skitouring weekend, leaving Friday noon, to have more time for enjoying more powder!
Sports Climbing Maggia Tal
Maggia Tal Maggia, Maggia, SwitzerlandTake a break from winter, powder and cold temperatures and enjoy the warm rock slopes in Maggia Valley. Organized by Ursa
Skitouring Daytrip
Daytrip either Saturday or Sunday, depending on conditions. Organized by Leo.
Camp & Ski
To be announcedTim and Michael are organizing another legendary ski&camp weekend. We will put up our tents where the best powder is found! Date and location is flexible because we would like...
AACZ Skitourenwochenende 2024
Col de St. Bernard Sankt Bernhard, SwitzerlandUnser offizielles Club Skitouren Wochenende ist dieses Jahr am St. Bernhard geplant. Vermutlich wird man auch dieses Jahr bereits wieder am Freitag anreisen können.
Skihochtour Berner oder Walliser Alpen
Klassische viertägige Skihochtour entweder in den Berner oder Walliser Alpen. Alternativtermin: 9-12.Mai.
Bike&Ski – by fair means series
To be announcedYes, it's already a tradition! At least once per season a group of enthusiastic skiers and bikers merge their hobbies for a tour by fair means. Organized by Max, Aubin,...
Linde Oberstrass Universitätstrasse 91,, Zürich, SwitzerlandThe official meeting takes place twice a year and is an opportunity for candidates to show up and get introduced to the club
Tagestour entweder Sa oder So