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Bolting Workshop
Chris Nowzohour and Tim Aiken will teach you how to set bolts
Alpine Climbing around Gruebenhütte
gruebenhütte grimselpass, SwitzerlandMultipitch Weekend Furka Pass
Alex, Sebastian and Tobi will organize a climbing weekend at Furkapass
Climbing Dolomites
dolomitenA week of climbing in the epic dolomites!
Stiftungsfest Windgällenhütte
Windgällenhütte Golzeralpen, Silenen, SwitzerlandUnser Stiftungsfest 2023 wird dieses Jahr auf der Windgällenhütte stattfinden. Bitte meldet euch rechtzeitig an
Crack Climbing Workshop
Anita and Chris are organizing a crack-climbing workshop in Cadarese
Alpstein Climbing at Zwinglipasshütte
Milo will coordinate a weekend at the Zwinglipasshütte in Alpstein
Alpine Hiking / Scrambling
Almost at the end of the season, Florian Seliger will organize an autumn alpine hiking / scrambling weekend in the grade T5/T6 II-III.
LVS Training -Skills Transfer
Yannick Walo and Hans Wäsle will organize a one-day LVS Refresher, including general training. The training will be a one-day event and we are going to pick either Saturday or...