Alpstein Climbing at Zwinglipasshütte
Milo will coordinate a weekend at the Zwinglipasshütte in Alpstein
Alpine Hiking / Scrambling
Almost at the end of the season, Florian Seliger will organize an autumn alpine hiking / scrambling weekend in the grade T5/T6 II-III.
LVS Training -Skills Transfer
Yannick Walo and Hans Wäsle will organize a one-day LVS Refresher, including general training. The training will be a one-day event and we are going to pick either Saturday or...
Weihnachtskneip 2023
Fondeihütte Langwies, SwitzerlandMatija will organize the annual legendary Weihnachtskneip at Fondei. Due to limited space, this event is prioritized for Members. However, there is always space for Candidates, Partners and Friends. Register...
One day skitour (or trail running)
To be announcedHopefully, we'll find enough powder for a daytrip skitour on Saturday or Sunday, depending on conditions. Alternatively, a trailrun is planned. Contact: Aubin
Splitboard Daytrip
To be announcedPatrick will organize a Splitboard daytrip either Saturday or Sunday depending on conditions. Location to be announced.
Ice Climbing Weekend
To be announcedIceclimbing with Anita and Christophe. Location to be announced.
Linde Oberstrass Universitätstrasse 91,, Zürich, SwitzerlandTraditioneller Clubanlass mit Vortrag (Details folgen), Apéro und Nachtesssen im Linde Oberstrass. Für Mitglieder mit Partner und Kandidaten, die an dem Abend aufgenommen werden.
Daytrip Splitboard Tour
To be announcedDaytrip splitboard tour either on Saturday or Sunday, depending on conditions. Location to be announced. Organized by Felix H and Patrick Hogan
Ice Climbing Workshop – Skills Transfer
To be announcedAs part of our Skills Transfer Series, Ven Popov will organize an Ice Climbing Workshop - open for all levels.
Skitouren Traverse mit Hüttenübernachtung
To be announcedSkitouring weekend with overnight stay at a hut (location t.b.a.). Ideally, if conditions allow, Max and Florian are planning a Minitraverse.
Extended Skitouring Weekend
To be announcedHannes will organize a skitouring weekend, leaving Friday noon, to have more time for enjoying more powder!