Since May, we have been paying very close attention to Nepal’s corona incidence and quarantine requirements. As time has gone by, we have seen how the risk of spending days quarantining in a Kathmandu hotel, of compromising expedition budget and, most importantly, of putting at risk our and others’ health, has become greater.
For these reasons, we have decided to postpone our Club’s 125th Anniversary Expedition to next year. Yes, the anniversary is in 2021, but if the Tokyo Olympics could wait 1 year, so can we
Finally, we want to share that the “Bring Light to Nepal” aid contribution project we are running for non-profit Ek Ek Paila is still active, regardless of the expedition postponement. Fundraising is doing well – thanks a lot to all contributors! Help is now more important than ever. Please consider contributing – more info in our bio’s link.
Thank you for your interest, support and enthusiasm. We are certain that all the training and planning has not been in vain and will be reused soon. We look forward to a great expedition next year in a more certain and stable context.