Thanks to the great preparation and organization of Silvia and Roman Boutellier we could celebrate our very special 125 years Stiftungsfest at the unique located Berghotel Maderanertal. The historic building is located at the very end of the Maderanertal and opened various possibilities of different approaches. Depending on age, motivation and fun, people arrived by Mountainbike, race bike directly from Zürich, per Pedes starting from Golzern or even Disentis. Last but not least, there was also the option to travel via Hotel-Taxi.
After all the rain we experienced this year, this particular weekend we enjoyed fantastic weather. Thus, the social gathering and the Apero could take place on the beautiful terrace.
In addition to the Club members, quite a few associated people from the valley and canton Uri were invited and many joined our event. As part of the mandatory speeches, our club president Gregor Dürrenberger pointed out, how closely the club is related with the region and the people since more than 100 years. The vice-president of the municipality Silenen Amsteg Bristen, Willy Lussmann, explained the touristic importance of the Windgällen hut for the valley and how it attracts visitors.
When the speeches were finished, the true highlight of the evening was yet to come. The two actors Gian Rupf and Diego Valsecchi took us on a journey into the Westwall of Sila in the frame of a Play Reading of the book “Die Wand der Sila” by our member Emil Zopfi. No stage would have fitted better than the fields behind the hotel with the slopes of Oberalpstock in the background and the Valley Mouth at the horizon. The audience was taken onto a joint climbing adventure of the young and objectless Sportsclimber and the old, experienced Alpinist and learned how they got closer and benefitted from each other.
The day ended with a delicious dinner accompanied with songs from Stubenmusik TFK. The music even motivated some Huttli to shake a leg. According to our president, this was the first time in many years that this happened.
Hans Wäsle