We are happy to report that we received a photograph of the Mischabel Group from Thomas Crauwels in July 2024. The large-format picture is now on display in the guest room of the Mischabel Hut. All Huttli are invited to view the picture for themselves during a visit to the hut soon.
Many thanks to Thomas Crauwels for this generous donation.

Two biographies have recently been published that are dedicated to the lives of two important early honorary members of the AACZ.
We owe the existence of our two large huts to the commitment of Victor de Beauclair. The book “Victors letzte Fahrt“, written by our club member and Writer Emil Zopfi is very well worth reading. In addition to his commitment to building our club huts and his calling as an Airshipman who was the first to fly over the Alps, Victor was also a skiing pioneer and was involved in the first ski ascent of a 3000-meter peak in the Alps by climbing the Oberalpstock.

Another book is dedicated to the entrepreneur and surveyor Robert Helbling. As a founding member of the AACZ and with his strong connection to the Spörry family, he shaped the club for decades. In addition to his professional activities, Robert was involved in many first ascents in the Alps and in the mountains of the world. Among other things, the Ushba in the Caucasus was first climbed during an AACZ expedition in 1903. The third ascent of Aconcagua is also one of his achievements.

The AACZ supported the publication of both books.
(Text: Hans Wäsle)