In 1924, under the aegis of Robert Helbling, the AACZ acquired a small Walserhaus in what was then the epicenter of alpine skiing. The budget for this purchase has been available for 16 years – in the form of a legacy following the tragic accidental death of Robert Spoerry on the Matterhorn in 1907.
Since then, many decades have passed with great powder winters, legendary parties and wonderful family holidays. Unfortunately, the hut also had to endure some storm damage and even burned down completely in the winter of 1970/71. The entire history of the Fondei or Spoerry Hut can be read in the anniversary chronicle specially compiled for this event.
Nevertheless, the AACZ remained loyal to the Fondei and so we were able to celebrate a small festival on July 6th/7th, 2024.
A small group of old and young members arrived at the hut during the course of Saturday. The weather was still nice for the approach, which the members completed on foot, by gravel- and mountain bike.
The Morf family invited the guests to a phenomenal aperitif and an even better dinner. The atmosphere was exuberant and there was even time to watch the football match. Our president Valerie gave a short speech – short enough so that she didn’t have to be interrupted by table volcanoes – and thanked Leo and his family for the past 16 years as Hüttenchef. This year Leo handed over the duties to Hans Wäsle.
As part of the hut’s anniversary, Walter Giger and Hans Wäsle wrote a small anniversary brochure, which was also presented on the evening and distributed to those present. The hut book, which was layed up newly when the hut was rebuilt in 1971, was full except for a few pages in time for the anniversary, so a new hut book is now available for the hut’s second century.
On Sunday, we were greeted not by sunshine but by heavy rain, which gave us more time to enjoy breakfast. We had no choice but to start the journey back in pouring rain.
The participants really enjoyed the weekend and we would like to take this opportunity to thank Leo, Claudia and their daughter Flurina for their hospitality and for organizing the wonderful weekend.
(Text: Hans Wäsle, Photos: Hans Wäsle, Karsten Kunze, Valerie Zumsteg)