The weather forecast predicted snowfall for this year’s Weihnachtskneip! This convinced 19 of the 23 Huttli to take skis. During the course of the afternoon, the participants trickled in in small groups from all different directions – a typical AACZ tour. Our Huttli that had travelled the furthest walked up already on Friday evening in order to climb an extra peak on Saturday. But the rest of the group also benefited since the hut was already nice and warmly preheated.
During the Apéro and the preparations for dinner, a few were even motivated to practice an LVS search in the bad weather and at dusk.
This year we once again treated each other wonderfully at dinner. The main course was mushroom risotto and the now legendary Fondei salad a la Felix. As it was a perfect fit for the occasion with so many people, Hansi found a special 3l bottle of red wine from his storage.
Sunday surprised us all with fresh snow, although not as much as expected. This motivated most of the group to end the weekend with traversing the Mattjischorn.
(Text and pictures: Hans Wäsle)