On Saturday, June 25th, 2022, the AACZ had the pleasure to hold a festive event in the Zunfthaus zur Saffran after a one-year delay. The location was not chosen by chance, as the Zunfthaus Saffran was the “Heimat” of the AACZ in Zurich for more than 60 years.
We welcomed almost 100 guests to the celebration. In addition to more than 60 Huttli, partners, friends and guests of honor took part in the event. In addition to representatives from ASVZ, SAC, AAC Basel, AAC Bern and ZKS, our President Gregor Dürrenberger was also able to welcome former Alt-Regierungsrätin Dorothée Fierz. The staged reading “Die Wand der Sila” by Emil Zopfi was then performed by the actors Gian Rupf and Diego Valsecchi. The description of the emergency bivouac in the freezing cold got under the skin of some of us, despite the heat in Zurich at that night.
After the Apéro, which was used for lively conversations among the guests, there were short, honorable and humorous words of welcome from the representatives of ASVZ and the two Academic Alpine Clubs from Basel and Bern, including symbolic gifts. The club chronicle of the last 25 years was then presented by Hans Wäsle. In the past two years, Walter Giger and Hans Wäsle have written a supplement to the existing 100-year Chronicles. The new Anniversary book was then distributed to the guests. It can also be download from this link. The official part ended with a pointed speech by the president with an entertaining look back at the past and brief wishes for the future of the club.
It was a successful evening that will certainly be remembered by the many attendees for a long time to come. With this occasion, our celebrations for the 125th anniversary of the AACZ come to an end. In addition to the big celebration in Zurich, it was very important to also celebrate in the regions associated with the club. On September 04th 2021 we celebrated with in the beautiful Maderanertal and on April 03rd 2022 we spent a great skitouring weekend in Saas Fee.
Now the club is ready for the coming and certainly no less eventful 25 years until the next anniversary!